
全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题 课程代码00794

来源 : 湖北自考学院 更新时间 : 2020-12-01 浏览次数 : 1661

导读:提供全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题 课程代码00794文档免费下载,摘要:全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题课程代码:00794请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Ⅰ.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(每小题1分,共30分)1.Yesterdaywecalled






1. Yesterday we called at ______. A. Mary’s sister’s B. my aunts C. a friend of my uncles D. my uncle

2. During the exam no one is allowed to ask ______ questions. A. a few B. all C. any D. some 3. Which of the following sentences is wrong? A. China will never be the first to use nucleur weapons. B. The Ninth Lesson is hard to understand. C. The Lesson Ten is easy to understand.

D. China belongs to the third world.

4. An assistant manager is ______ a manager in position. A. inferior to C. more inferior than A. with, to C. of, in

B. inferior than D. more inferior to B. with, from D. by, of

5. The room was crowded ______ people ______ another village.

6. He promised us that he ______ early but he ______ yet. A. would be, hasn’t arrived B. is, hasn’t been arriving C. should be, isn’t arriving D. will be, hadn’t arrived 7. My friend kept on ______ me cigarettes and tea. A. having offered B. being offered C. to offer D. offering 8. If I had known that, I ______ so.

A. wouldn’t have done B. didn’t do C. won’t do D. wouldn’t do 9. ______ the rain stop, the crops would be saved. A. Will B. Would C. Should 10. The police ______ a prisoner. A. are searched for C. are searching for

D. Did

B. is searching D. is searching for

11. I cannot understand ______ to go to the meeting. A. them to forbid

B. them to be forbidden

C. their being forbidden D. their forbidding

12. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make ______ details that are otherwise impossible to observe. A. it visible

B. visibly

C. visible D. they are visible

13. ______ at the spot, Tom found that the gypsies(吉普赛) had gone.

A. As his arriving B. As his reaching C. On his arrival D. On his reaching

14. “Would you rather watch TV or go for a walk?” “______ the TV program is good this afternoon, I think I need the exercise more.” A. Even though

B. No matter how

C. Despite of D. In spite of

15. During their quarrel he didn’t say anything. He knew there was ______ in giving the advice. A. without

B. of no use D. no usage B. came to D. came into

C. not much point A. came across C. came up

16. After a long discussion,they ______ an agreement.

17. He often goes to school by bike ______ it rains. A. except when B. except that C. except D. besides 18. Once formed, bad habits are hard to ______. A. get rid of B. get along with C. get used to D. get hold of 19. This problem will be ______ discussed in Chapter 2. A. deep B. enough C. further D. farther 20. ______ your courage in time of difficulties. A. Keep down B. Keep out

C. Keep on D. Keep up

21. My old school friend had changed so much that I could hardly ______ him. A. recognize C. know

B. remember D. make out

22. He went to the bookstore and ______ two books for his daughter as a birthday present. A. took up B. picked off C. picked up

D. picked out

23. It is not easy to ______ oneself of a bad habit. A. purify

B. dismiss

C. release D. rid

24. The actors have to ______ before they appear in front of the strong lights on television. A. cover up B. paint up C. make up

D. do up

25. The good service at the hotel ______ the poor food to some extent. A. made up for B. made up C. made for D. made out

26. He [ruled] his country for almost ten years ______. A. existed

B. governed

C. made D. loved

27. In the past twenty years, Beijing has changed [considerably].

A. reportedly B. greatly C. little D. theoretically

28. He is so [absent-minded] that he often forgets where he has left things. A. habitually forgetful

B. stupid

C. childish D. mad

29. The score is 2∶1 [in our favour],we are winning. A. to our advantage

B. in our mind

C. to our liking D. unfairyly

30. He always [declares his opinion] about everything.

A. speaks out B. speaks at C. speaks to D. speaks for

Ⅱ.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,根据短文的内容从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分) Passage 1

Since the earliest times, trees have always been very useful and important to man who made use of them in many ways. Even today trees continue to serve man in so many ways.


